Efficiency of estimation of the number and of motion parameters of individual radar objects comprising a lumped multiple target
The paper presents results of investigation of the method suggested in [1], which permits to estimate the number and the motion parameters of individual radar targets comprising a lumped group. The problem of targets’ number estimation is considered as generalization of the detection task and is reduced to many-alternative checking of complex hypotheses about the number of signal components. The complex hypotheses are turned into simple ones owing to replacement of a priori unknown parameters by their pseudoestimates. The procedure of hypotheses’ check is optimized in terms of the extended Neumann-Pearson criterion also suggested in [1].References
CHIZHOV, A.A.; AVLASENOK, A.V. "Estimation of numbers and motion parameters of single radar targets from the composition of group concentrated one," Radioelectron. Commun. Syst., v.46, n.12, p.20-29, 2003.
Research Articles