Simulation of a small-size ultra-wideband antenna in the shape of biconical vibrator with ring grooves


  • V. B. Avdeyev Military Institute of Radioelectronics, Russian Federation
  • A. V. Ashikhmin Military Institute of Radioelectronics, Russian Federation
  • A. V. Berdyshev Military Institute of Radioelectronics, Russian Federation
  • S. V. Korochin Military Institute of Radioelectronics, Russian Federation
  • V. M. Nekrylov Military Institute of Radioelectronics, Russian Federation
  • Yu. G. Pasternak Military Institute of Radioelectronics, Russian Federation



The paper is devoted to investigation of a version of solid biconical vibrator having several ring-shaped grooves on its side surface. With the same overall dimensions of such antenna, its lower operation frequency can be decreased by 20% and, if using the grooves with dielectric — even by a larger value.


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