A parallel algorithm for processing of radar measurements


  • Yury G. Bulychev JSC All-Russian Scientific Research Institute "Gradient", Russian Federation
  • I. V. Burlai Rostov-on-Don Military Institute of the Rocket Troops, Russian Federation
  • Ye. Yu. Bulychova Rostov-on-Don Military Institute of the Rocket Troops, Russian Federation
  • D. M. Chelakhov Rostov-on-Don Military Institute of the Rocket Troops, Russian Federation
  • S. V. Shashlov Rostov-on-Don Military Institute of the Rocket Troops, Russian Federation




Based on the decomposition principle, a parallel algorithm for primary processing of measurement results is developed. The new algorithm permits to find stable estimates of trajectory parameters meeting the unbiasedness and invariance conditions.

Author Biography

Yury G. Bulychev, JSC All-Russian Scientific Research Institute "Gradient"

(2004) Rostov-on-Don Military Institute of the Rocket Troops


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