Magnetic spectra of aluminum-substituted films of barium hexaferrite
The paper represents the first-ever study of aluminum-substituted films of barium hexaferrite BaFe12–xAlxO19, grown on a substrate of strontium hexagallate 400 μm thick. The investigations were carried on by the waveguide method with the aid of measurement lines R1-32 and R1-33. In the course of experiment, the field of the crystal anisotropy Ha, the ferromagnetic resonance linewidth 2ΔH, and the resonant field Hres have been determined. It is shown that the degree of substitution x affects substantially the crystalline magnetic anisotropy. The Ha magnitude has been raised nearly by 10 000 oersted as compared with non-doped epitaxial films of barium hexaferrite. Comparison of magnetic parameters of pure and substituted epitaxial thin films of barium hexaferrite is performed.References
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