Reduction of the side and rear radiation level of antennas by using impedance structures


  • D. D. Gabriel'yan Rostov-on-Don Military Institute of the Rocket Troops, Russian Federation
  • M. Yu. Zvezdina Rostov-on-Don Military Institute of the Rocket Troops, Russian Federation
  • P. I. Kostenko Rostov-on-Don Military Institute of the Rocket Troops, Russian Federation



The authors consider the opportunity for using the impedance coatings to reduce the side and rear radiation levels of antenna systems. With an arc-shaped antenna array composed of longitudinal slot radiators taken as an example, the authors have estimated the lowering of side and rear level of radiation in the case of surfaces with capacitance nature of their impedance. These data are compared with the results obtained based on realization of the descending amplitude-phase distribution in the antenna without impedance coatings.


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Research Articles