Experimental investigation of a plane-lamellar medium with controllable polarization of the reflected electromagnetic wave


  • A. A. Golovkov
  • G. D. Mikhailov




Devices for controlling the forms of polarization of a reflected plane electromagnetic wave are well known in microwave engineering. A common feature of well-known devices is the necessity of obtaining the polarization parameters of the reflected wave via the mechanical setting of the required electrodynamic parameters. It is of practical and scientific interest to develop devices which would accomplish the required conversion of the polarization and modulation of the parameters of the reflected wave due'to the action of an electrical signal. Such devices may find extensive application in the engineering of physics experimentation, microwave engineering, information transmission devices and radio-communications systems, since compared with well-known devices they offer such advantages as fast (due to electrical switching) adaptation to the polarization of the incident radiation, and the provision of any deterministic or stochastic time distribution law governing the polarization.


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