Method for enhancing the accuracy of frequency offset estimation in OFDM modulation based communication systems
frequency synchronization, frequency offset estimation, OFDM modulation, preamble, information symbolsAbstract
The paper proposes a method for enhancing the accuracy of estimation of frequency offset for OFDM modulation based communication systems. An increase accuracy of the proposed method is achieved at the expense of combined use of pilot and information symbols of OFDM signal. The main factors determining the accuracy of proposed method were identified. Mathematical simulation of the proposed method was performed for a multipath radio wave propagation channel. The proposed method efficiency was shown in comparison with existing methods for the estimation of frequency offset. Advantages and disadvantages of existing and proposed methods were described. The relationships of the root-mean-square error of frequency offset estimation as a function of the signal-to-noise ratio were built for the proposed and existing methods. The attainable high accuracy of frequency offset estimation by employing the proposed method makes its use expedient in control and measuring equipment. Conclusions have been made regarding the simulation results obtained and the expediency of proposed method applications.References
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