Two-stage multiscan detection of target using the “l/n – d” criterion with identification of pips by the maximum of decision statistic




radar, target, multiscan detection, algorithm, true detection, false alarm


Algorithms of two-stage multiscan detection of target based on the incoherent accumulation using the “l/nd” criterion have been obtained. The primary detection is performed at the first stage with sufficiently high probability of false alarm. At the second stage the tracking task is solved by using the “strongest neighbor” criterion and the incoherent interscan accumulation of decision statistics is performed. Expressions for probabilities of the true detection of target and false alarm of the algorithm using the “3/5 – 2” criterion were obtained. This algorithm was analyzed by using the statistical simulation for a case of multiscan target detection from data of the radar measuring the range and radial velocity of target.


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