Eigenmodes of sectoral coaxial ridged waveguides
sectoral coaxial ridged waveguide, TE mode, ТМ mode, cutoff wave number, field distribution, single-mode operation, operation frequency bandAbstract
The results of numerical investigation of sectoral coaxial ridged waveguides eigenmodes of two configurations (with a ridge on inner or outer wall) for different cross–section dimensions are presented. In particular, dependences of cutoff wave numbers on geometrical dimensions ratios for first four modes are investigated, electric field components distributions for these modes have been obtained and the optimization of sectoral coaxial ridged waveguides has been carried out to provide maximal single–mode operation frequency band. Two optimal configurations of waveguides with single–mode operation bandwidth ratio 5.6:1 are obtained. It is shown that smaller cross–section dimensions at the fixed single–mode operation frequency band has the waveguide with the ridge at the inner round wall. The size of the gap between the ridge and the round wall of optimal waveguide is identical for both configurations and is determined by the required ratio of cutoff frequencies of two lower TE modes. Calculations are conducted utilizing the mathematical model obtained in [1] by the integral equation technique with the correct account of singular behavior of the field at the ridge.
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