The impact of resonator detuning on autodyne characteristics of stabilized microwave generators
autodyne, autodyne oscillator, stabilized oscillator, autodyne sensitivity, oscillator on Gunn diode, autodyne signal, resonator de-tuning, reflected radiation, non-linear distortions of a signal, distortion parameter, short-range radarAbstract
The investigation results of formation peculiarities of the autodyne signal of stabilized UHF oscillators at the de-tuning of the oscillation frequency related to the natural frequency of the stabilizing resonator are given. The main mathematical equations are obtained, which describe the autodyne response to the impact of proper radiation reflected from the target. The calculation of the amplitude, frequency and amplitude-frequency characteristics of the autodyne system under various conditions are discussed. The experimental results obtained on an example of hybrid-integrated oscillator on Gunn diode of 8 mm-range are described. Experimental results quantitatively confirm the theoretical conclusions.
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