Manufacturing regression models of silicon single-crystal photoconverters


  • N. I. Slipchenko Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
  • V. A. Pis'menetskii Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
  • A. V. Frolov Kharkiv National University, Ukraine
  • N. N. Yanovskaya Kharkiv National University, Ukraine



An experimental regression model has been proposed that specifies the relationship of the efficiency factor of silicon single-crystal photoconverters as a function of the diode (imperfection factor A, series resistance Rs, saturation current I0) and manufacturing (substrate thickness h, thickness of the doping layer of liquid-solution composition hLSC) parameters under conditions of a small lot of (6–12) samples on the basis of the first-order regression equation. The model verification was performed by the F-criterion of Fisher. The search for optimal diode and manufacturing parameters was performed by the efficiency maximum criterion using regression equations.


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