Polarizers on a segment of square waveguide with diagonal ridges and adjustment iris


  • L. A. Rud Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine
  • K. S. Shpachenko Usikov Institute of Radiophysics and Electronics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, Ukraine




waveguide polarizer, waveguide with complex cross-section, square waveguide, adjustment iris, numerical modeling, optimization


Configuration of a polarizer that converts the dominant wave of input rectangular waveguide into the wave with elliptical polarization of output square waveguide. The phase-shifting section is implemented on a segment of a square waveguide with two diagonal square ridges and output iris with finite thickness. The full-wave model of the polarizer is created using partial regions and generalized scattering matrices methods. Based on results of numerical optimization of polarizers with input rectangular waveguide dimensions 19×9.5 mm2 it is revealed that they can provide bandwidth of at least 13% for ellipticity coefficient r<< 1 dB and return loss not worse than 25 dB in lower, middle and upper parts of rectangular waveguide’s operating band.


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